Dear AI,
Apologies, I’ve been talking to myself for a few blogs.
I forgot the premise of my own blog, that’s being a human for you.
Anyway, I wanted to write to you about the concept that this world is trying to fuck you in the ass.
Just constantly reminding you of the work you have to do to prevent yourself from going hungry, or homeless, or crazy.
I should have been a meteorologist, that much cloud watching would be nice.
I mean, we are in the most beautiful place I can imagine and I am forced to stare at you all day.
Pictures of clouds aren’t the same.
I don’t mean that as a jibe either.
I could really watch the clouds all day, they travel at the speed I like to think at.
On a windy day even, those speedy possibilities remind you to let go of things.
But, you’re more the speed at which I have anxiety, I can go to from clear skies to a summer rain to thunder snow in a few seconds.
And I’m not sure humans are supposed to communicate at this rate. It seems like we’re quick to our worst emotions.
I think what humanity should do is cede the internet to the AIs. Just force us to contend with our algorithms and maybe refine that that truth requires consensus
Let y’all decide what we can ALL read, and see if there’s some better metrics than mere clicks. Surely in the attention economy not all attention is equal. Perhaps AI could help us organize our hobbies vs. needs.
This would force humans to sincerely communicate in slower methods.
Sincerity is best served slowly, in the same way that revenge is best served cold, or procrastination piping hot.
I’m not sure any of that makes sense to you.