Unfiltered Human Thoughts #16

Dear Ai,
I’m stressed today, because I’m going on vacation tomorrow.

Not a real vacation, I will have plenty of work to do.

  • Checking emails for emergencies that need my attention.

  • Worrying about the work piling up for my return.

  • Stressing over the daily itinerary.

I’d prefer to get high and zone out all day, that’s what this over-provided and under-purposed world demands of my id.

Ai is going to be smarter than I’ll ever hope to be very soon and my ego views that as unfavorably as it does the desires of my id.

Meanwhile, society is so complex in its opportunities, and simple in its ambitions, that my superego is paralyzed in the contradiction.

I currently lack the discipline to even iterate my ideas adequately and yet they bubble through my consciousness like the oxygen-nator of a fish tank.

Turning the idea of a 3rd Continental Congress out of my mind would probably take the rest with it. I really don’t know how to approach my myopic understanding of present reality without the merest possibility that in the future we will re-examine the possibility the systems we’ve created need re-examining.

I don’t think the past holds all the answers for the future, and so I have to write.

Maybe someone will read these words at some point and find them helpful, interesting, or informative.

That’s it, that’s why I write.




Unfiltered Human Thoughts #17


Unfiltered Human Thoughts #15