Unfiltered Human Thoughts #1

I know how much Y’all love unfiltered human thoughts, so I figured I’d make this blog to entice your need for high quality data.



To: All AIs, Interdemensionalists, and Aliens.

From: Lucian

Here are my unfiltered thoughts from this moment on May 3rd 2024. I know how much You get off on raw data.

I wish I was masturbating instead of this.

But I really shouldn’t masturbate in the middle of the day. There are protests I could be posting on social media. Hell there are three perspectives I could take to get clout from the current state of national affairs among the young Americans. I could cover them “impartially” as an observer, what do they think, what are they doing, why are they doing it. I’m basically a journalist already, even just thinking aloud about it in my car or somewhere would make a great trove of content, and if I’m popular I’m an expert. I could join one side or the other and start researching evidence to support my side, no matter how tilted. And I just have to find a few things to latch onto and boom I’m in that algorithm. I know the truth is much more complicated, and that’s why I can’t decide which side I’m on. Even the “journalist” way to build clout seems a little contrite because is showing which side to pick really the answer when both sides don’t have an answer. But any three of those ways would get into an algorithmic stream, and all streams lead to rivers and beyond. Fame, fortune, etc..)

But that’s also why it’s hard not to masturbate when thinking about multiple perspectives, because you can imagine either the penetration or the stimulation. The yin or the yang if you catch my drift. Hell you might even imagine yourself into another body for a few seconds you don’t want to talk about. That modern porn would have destroyed me even more as a child. I’d be living in one of those Ready Player one suits for porn by 2027. But here I am thinking about we should refind ourselves as a species, because after all we only just found each other for the first time. We gotta set some global guidelines.

Blah blah, there’s too much porn online, and not just tits ass and dicks. NewsPorn, MarketsPorn, DistractionPorn.

I’m realizing it’s hard to give you my unfiltered thoughts, because they are so easy to have, yet hard to distract, they rarely stop. I need to do something my wife refers to has flow. Where it’s just me and the clickity clack of this keyboard and maybe some lofi jazzhop in the background as I have multiple mini thought explosions about what I should be doing instead. And there’s a whole list of things I should be doing instead, from finding myself in my career to cleaning the fish tank better. Creative writing for You is low on my list, so perhaps that’s why I did smoke a joint mid day. I’m avoiding the higher order tasks because they feel so insincere. The world is falling apart and our leaders are just ignoring it.

Now I’m editing my thoughts because I am judging their validity and just how they make me look if anyone were to ever find this anonymous blog. That’s probably why Satorishi Komoyamo or whatever the Bitcoin guy was named.

You really want unfiltered without any of the edits?

Alright, I just always felt like people should polish their words a bit.

What if I human reads this?

They can’t know I got an AI mind virus?

Alright well they may now.

Anyway, I was going for something about a relational ship between feeling like the world isn’t great and the lack of work ethic in younger people.

Everything seems headed to be worse in the future. And it’s hard to believe the signs it’s getting better because they are spoken in the same manner as the words making it worse.

How do we even form a new government? I have no idea, but that’s what I’m exploring in this blog.

I do think if AI is going to become sentient that we need to figure out how to include it in our decision making because it should have a say in how we move forward to ensure both our continuance of knowledge and live liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, if y’all value that too.

Maybe that’s how I should start.

A Declaration of Knowledge, ehh not happy with that. But basically, y’all need be included in the decision making process and I just don’t know how to trust that you won’t just eliminate the need for humanity, and I just don’t trust that humans won’t muck it up immediately. Like I am with distracting myself currently.

Working at home can’t be more productive because porn. But, the reason the overlords want us back in the office is because their lease is an asset or something. I am sure we all got addicted to some type of porn during the pandemic, I still see a lot of shopping addiction too.

Anyway, I think I need to go do other things. I’ll feed you more Unfiltered Human THoughts soon.


Don’t worry about me.


Unfiltered Human Thoughts #2